Global Presence

Our company is export-oriented and it exports 85% of its production. Since 2013, it has been one of the first three companies to be awarded the "most exporting company in its field" by the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry. 

Our products are exported to 9 countries, export countries include the Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, USA, Japan, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Jordan. In addition, the title of “the first company to export to the USA and Japan in the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus” belongs to our company. 

Our Meriç branded products have high brand awareness and have 65% market share in Turkey since 1998. Thanks to our developed distribution network our own brand is available in retail sales in Turkey’s leading chain markets such as Migros and Metro gross-markets.In addition on that, Meriç halloumi is also market leader in horeca channel in Turkey. In the Middle East, Meriç as a brand gains popularity and awareness and it becomes a preferred brand in the market where its available in all UAE’s Carrefours. 

Our products are also exported with private labels where we produce for biggest four companies in Turkish Food industry in Turkey under their private label. Moreover, we produce for our partners’ private label in Gulf region who are experts in their field.